Scan-N-Track (SNT) for Infor XA provides mobile, real-time transaction processing that enforces all the XA business rules to get the job done right the first time. Whether it is customer...
Service organizations are no longer just about satisfying customers and containing costs. They have become potential profit centers, and are being recognized as critical components of today’s organizations. Infor XA...
Looking to modernize your warehouse/shop floor inventory, labor and quality data collection systems to improve productivity, on-time order fulfillment, inventory accuracy, profitability, and more? Scan-N-Track (SNT) for Infor XA is...
Excitement is growing about Infor XA Release 10! Infor has taken an aggressive stand in moving XA to the next level of technology. XAr10 is scheduled to release this June...
Are you tired of asking your IT department for queries and reports? Infor's Business Intelligence tool, Birst, puts meaningful data in the hands of every member of your organization from...
Infor XA Release 10 will be available this summer and all of the XA systems will be in HTML using IDF’s Net-Link (and Power-Link), including Enterprise Financials. When Infor XA...
When we say that Guide Products are ‘customer-driven, Guide designed’, we mean it! Every Guide Product has been developed to fulfill customer needs that standard Infor XA cannot. Several of...
During this video David Foster, Infor System i Product Manager, walks through the many features of Net-Link that are available today and even more exciting what is to come!
During 'Step 2 - Workflows & Monitors, Streamline your Organization', Pat Armour, Guide Technologies CSI Expert, walks through how to set up alarms, alerts, notifications, and tasks using Infor OS....