Related Infor Applications
+ Materials Management (MM or IM)
+ Procurement Management (PM or PUR)

Out-of-the-box functionality from Infor does not support what most companies need when it comes time to conduct their physical inventory counts or regular cycle count processing. Over the years there have been several 3rd party options available for green screen, but nothing has been built in Integrator / Powerlink.
Guide has built the functionality in Integrator to support many of the features and functions that customers have either created themselves (custom) or purchased via a 3rd party. These are problematic when migrating to newer versions of Infor XA. With Guide’s Physical Inventory solution, our product is fully release transparent.
Physical inventory: features & functionality
- Support best practice rules for inventory management control
- Allow for additional reports and/or features to be added relatively easy using built-in, supported Integrator tools
- Provide ability to easily create cycle count groups and easy entry of data from count sheets
- Enable creation of count groups by warehouse or subset of items from any warehouse
- Enable creation and printing of miscellaneous tags while maintaining numerical sequencing control
- Can easily customize tag printing to match your existing tags or new formats you may be (or want to) consider
- Provide enhanced reporting for variance and valuation reporting
Guide Product Webinar
System-Link Toolkit (SLTK): Latest & Greatest Features
BENEFITS of physical inventory for infor xa
- 'Built-in Integrator' means it looks and feels like all other Powerlink modules and that our product is release-transparent when you decide to migrate to future releases and/or apply PCMs/PTFs
- Enhanced tag grouping, subset ability, and easier data entry from count sheets
- Provides the ability to print miscellaneous tags while maintaining controls
- Ability to easily 'cleanup/delete' unused miscellaneous tags
- Ability to control which printer to use when printing tags or reports
- Can process tags in batch or interactive mode