Promotions & Discounting
Related Infor Applications
+ Customer Service Management (CSM or COM)
+ Customer Relationship Management (CRMi)

Complex promotion programs are great for sales and marketing, but are often difficult to implement during order entry. Many times manual overrides and spreadsheets are needed to enter orders properly when applying discounts. Reporting over these to do trend analysis and measuring promotion programs is often very difficult or impossible. Using price books in XA can only get you so far and still require manual overrides for even moderately complex promotions.
- Built in Integrator, but as a standalone system with hooks into Order Entry via user exits
- Flags exceptions and allows you to define workflow rules
- Significantly improves data quality & history: gives you the ability to see where issues exist
- Tightly integrated with XA data: price books, customers, terms, etc.
- Tracks sales & promotions history: price, cost, discount, terms, etc. as of the time of sale
- Can override order details as needed at time of order entry
- Powerful reporting & metrics because of the data stored
- Ability to interface to external Finance & Sales systems if needed
- Specialized for manufacturers to the retail industry
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System-Link Toolkit (SLTK): Latest & Greatest Features
- Sales reporting and metrics based on how the orders were entered
- Use workflow to approve creation of promotions
- Helps you to clean up data for pricing, customer class, terms, etc
- Effective dates can automatically start and end promotions
- Capability to setup, maintain, and execute the most complex promotion and discounting schemes
- Tracking and analysis of actual results compared to expected results
- Can integrate to other Financial and CRM systems if needed
- Eliminates manual overrides and complex spreadsheets