September 03, 2019

Infor is the #1 best ERP of 2019 and we have the facts to prove it.
It’s well known in enterprise software circles that Infor® CloudSuite™ is the fastest growing ERP system in the United States. Infor didn’t get here by accident. As a software vendor, Infor is continually looking forward, sharing its vision of digital transformation and the factory of the future, and building solutions to help manufacturers sail smoothly into this new frontier.
If you’re on the fence about Infor or researching ERP solutions for manufacturing, this post should be helpful to you. Today we are presenting two compelling pieces of evidence in the case for Infor as the best ERP of 2019.
Exhibit A: Survey Says…
In Clash of the Titans 2019: An Independent Comparison of SAP, Oracle, Microsoft Dynamics and Infor, Panorama Consulting Solutions compared these 4 “titans” of the enterprise software industry. Panorama is not affiliated with Infor, Guide Technologies, or any of the other solutions and companies reviewed. The report, which you can find at the link above, analyzes the responses of Panorama’s ERP Benchmark Survey conducted in Fall of 2018. The dataset included 263 respondents who had selected or already implemented solutions from one of the four named vendors.
Among the survey’s key findings:
- Infor has the shortest implementations, averaging just 11.2 months – that’s 3.5 months shorter than SAP.
- Infor has the shortest operational disruptions – just shy of 8 days less than SAP.
- Implementing Infor solutions utilizes less internal resources than either Oracle or SAP. Infor implementations also require less reliance on external resources than Microsoft Dynamics implementations do.
- More Infor customers report that ERP plays a significant role in their digital transformation strategy.
- Infor is the dominant ERP among organizations that report a focus on supply chain management business initiatives.
If you’re looking for faster, easier software implementation and a forward-thinking approach to ERP, Infor is your clear choice.
Exhibit B: Independent Analysis
Surveys are great for assessing how well something works and how much people enjoy using it, but they often don't delve much into what a solution can really do. For deeper insights into Infor's capabilities you will likely want to review some independent analysis. Spoiler alert: Infor wins big here, too.
In a report by Technology Evaluation Centers (TEC), a leading impartial advisory firm, Infor CloudSuite ranks above the average ERP system in all 8 key categories based on coverage of 3,539 key ERP software features. Here is a breakdown of how Infor CloudSuite compares to average ERP solutions.
Infor CloudSuite covers an astounding 99% of the financial features available for an ERP solution. Most competitors sit around 90%.
Human Resources
Infor covers 82% of human resource features. The competition, on average, covers only 70% of HR features.
Manufacturing Management
Infor has manufacturing management covered, supporting 100% of manufacturing management ERP features. Most of the competitors only cover 82%.
Inventory Management
Infor CloudSuite covers 100% of inventory management ERP features. The competition averages just 86% coverage.
Purchasing Management
Infor covers 100% of purchasing management features. The competition is at 91%.
Quality Management
Infor CloudSuite has 95% of the quality management features available in an ERP. Rival companies offer only 82% coverage of available features.
Sales Management
Infor CloudSuite supports 99% of ERP sales management features available. Most of the competition supports 90% of the available features.
Product Technology
Infor CloudSuite has a considerable edge here, offering 84% of ERP features related to product technology. The competition offers just 66% of the features available.
Based on TEC's independent evaluation, Infor CloudSuite outperforms the competition 100% of the time in terms of offering the modules and features needed to power your manufacturing enterprise. Don't expect Infor to get too comfortable in its leading position, however. There is still some room to grow and new boundaries to blast through across the board. After all, this assessment only considers ERP capabilities that are available on the market today. Who knows what Infor's innovation will make possible tomorrow?
Take the Lead With Infor & Guide Technologies
Seeing how Infor compares to other top-tier ERPs as well as average solutions, it is clear why so many decision makers are selecting Infor CloudSuite (SyteLine) over other ERP software choices. Not only does CloudSuite offer more features than the average ERP, it is faster, easier, and less intrusive to implement.
Curious about CloudSuite? Explore whitepapers, videos, brochures and more in our resource library, or get in touch with Guide to get started on your Infor CloudSuite ERP implementation.
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