March 17, 2023

How Birst® Enhances the Infor CloudSuite Industrial ERP Solution

Manufacturing operations require constant monitoring and optimization to stay competitive in today's complex, global market. Companies rely on enterprise resource planning (ERP) software to manage their operations efficiently. However, traditional ERP systems often lack advanced analytics capabilities to provide valuable insights into the manufacturing process. Infor Birst is an advanced analytics platform that enhances Infor CloudSuite Industrial (CSI) ERP by providing real-time analytics and reporting, enabling manufacturers to optimize their operations. While we’ll discuss how Birst enhances CSI in this article, keep in mind that Birst’s capabilities also extend to other Infor ERP solutions, such as Infor XA and LN ERP solutions.

Birst Enables Manufacturers to Measure the Metrics That Matter

Birst's advanced analytics capabilities provide manufacturers with critical metrics that help identify opportunities for improvement. These metrics include product quality, production efficiency, equipment utilization, and supply chain performance. By tracking these metrics in real-time, manufacturers can quickly identify issues and take corrective action to optimize their operations.

Product quality

Product quality is essential to maintain customer satisfaction and loyalty. Birst's advanced analytics capabilities allow manufacturers to track quality metrics, such as defect rates, rework rates, and scrap rates, in real-time. This real-time monitoring helps manufacturers identify quality issues before they become widespread and enables them to take corrective action promptly.

Production efficiency

Production efficiency is another critical metric that manufacturers need to track. By using Birst's advanced analytics capabilities, manufacturers can monitor key performance indicators (KPIs), such as throughput, cycle time, and capacity utilization. This monitoring enables manufacturers to identify inefficiencies in their production process and take corrective action to optimize their operations.

Equipment utilization

Equipment utilization is another critical metric that manufacturers need to track. Birst's advanced analytics capabilities enable manufacturers to monitor equipment downtime, availability, and utilization in real-time. This monitoring enables manufacturers to identify bottlenecks in their production process and take corrective action to optimize their equipment utilization.

Supply chain performance

Supply chain performance is essential to ensure that manufacturers have the right materials, at the right time, and at the right cost. Birst's advanced analytics capabilities allow manufacturers to track supplier performance, inventory levels, and lead times in real-time. This monitoring enables manufacturers to identify supply chain issues and take corrective action to optimize their operations.

Infor Manufacturing Solutions: Essential Tools to Stay Competitive and Thrive

By providing real-time analytics and reporting, Birst's advanced analytics capabilities enhance Infor CloudSuite Industrial ERP. These capabilities enable manufacturers to track critical metrics, such as product quality, production efficiency, equipment utilization, and supply chain performance. By monitoring these metrics in real-time, manufacturers can quickly identify issues and take corrective action to optimize their operations. As a result, Birst and Infor ERP solutions are essential tools for manufacturers looking to stay competitive in today's global market.

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infor birst connectivity framework

Big data, small data, fast data. Organizations today must deal with an explosion of data spread across disparate systems: data warehouses, business applications, personal files, and big data platforms, as well as relational, non-relational, cloud, on-premises, and the list goes on.

Birst provides a framework that enables companies to configure scalable access to thousands of sources with minimal effort.