July 19, 2022

List includes top 100 VARS (value-added resellers) based on annual revenue
Leading provider of Infor ERP products and Infor Gold Channel Partner, Guide Technologies, has been named to Bob Scott's Top 100 VARs for 2022. Each year the top 100 resellers are chosen from organizations specializing in the sale and implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) and accounting software. 2022 marks the 7th consecutive year that Guide Technologies has been included on this highly-regarded software industry list.
Scott has been informing and entertaining the mid-market financial software community for 22 years. He has published this information via the Bob Scott’s Insights newsletter and website since 2009.
Why Guide Technologies Consistently Makes the List
While selection for Bob Scott’s Top 100 VARs list is based on annual revenue generated by each reseller, we would be remiss not to examine the underlying reasons Guide Technologies consistently meets the revenue requirements to make the list.
Exceptional Infor ERP Products & Expertise
As one of the leading ERP solutions in the marketplace today, Infor products prove to be an ideal solution for manufacturing companies seeking agility and real-time visibility of business intelligence to help them manage and improve business operations. Guide's depth and breadth of experience with Infor ERP products, such as SyteLine (CloudSuite Industrial) and Infor XA, provide manufacturing businesses with expert guidance and support to ensure they are fully realizing the value Infor ERP products deliver.
In addition, Guide has developed a multitude of products built specifically to integrate with Infor products, thus enhancing the value and maximizing the ROI that Guide customers receive for their technology investments. When asked about the value Guide's products offer, Guide Products and Consulting Manager Randy Kenney explained:
For over 10 years Guide has designed and developed these product offerings, working with our customers to solve common business gaps and extend their Infor ERP's value. They are designed to help customers get the most out of their technology investment by bringing measurable process improvements and efficiency across the business areas they touch. Guide products are proven, stable, supported, and enhanced to stay current with the latest releases of their Infor ERP system as new features and functionality emerge.
-Randy Kenney, Guide Products & Consulting Manager
Satisfied Customers and Superior Service
Exceptional products alone do not drive revenue growth. The customers using those products must feel confident they are receiving the highest value for their technology investment and white glove service as they implement, deploy, and maintain their ERP system and the valuable data contained therein.
Whether migrating from a legacy system or requiring assistance with an existing Infor manufacturing ERP solution, Guide customers have come to rely on our team as their trusted partner. Vice President of Consulting Shane Barger attributes Guide's continued revenue growth to both Guide customers and team members, stating:
Throughout the customer journey -- from the sales process to the provision of implementation and optimization services -- the Guide team's expertise and focus on customer success has played a key role in driving our revenue growth. Without our dedicated team and their focus on delivering positive customer outcomes, we would not continue to attract and retain satisfied customers. As we provide products and services that drive revenue growth for our customers, their continued satisfaction drives our revenue growth. Guide Technologies' success is dependent upon our customers' success, and this principle permeates through all levels of our organization.
-Shane Barger, VP of Consulting
Experience the Power of Guide Technologies & Infor
Guide Technologies has received many awards over the years, highlighting our strengths as a company and our success in helping complex manufacturers maximize their technology investments.
Are you a manufacturing professional seeking to streamline operations, increase productivity, and boost profitability? Request a demo today and see for yourself how Guide Technologies and Infor ERP solutions can help you do just that.